Portfolio development

For the theme for the portfolio, I wanted to carry on the sketchbook look that I used on my CV.

I wanted to make the front cover a sort of a messy collage.

I have used torn paper and paint splats to make it more textural and real.

Each of the project pages is simple with the same colour scheme and paper effect.

Digital portfolio layout

Written on Saturday 28 April 2012 at 07:29 by Lmcvy

Project developments

I have chosen to re-work my Tshirt project from the 1st semester. I really enjoyed this project as it gave me the chance to re-use some of my designing skills that I gained at college. It also allowed me to apply the photoshop and illustrator skills I had learnt from 1st year onto a design project.

Previously my Tshirts we quite flat, so I wanted to give them a more 3D effect.

When we did the shoot, I was really pleased with the final outcome so I didnt want to re-work them too much, however when we showed the images to a guest speaker she commented and said they looked like magazine editorial images so for the re-work I have created a magazine type layout and front cover. For the cover I cropped one of the images I thought was most relevent for a cover shoot.

For project 3, I decided to add on more promotional advertsing so I have created a window display. This shows posters and promotion for the website, which also links with the in store iPads. The whole idea of this service is to bring technology into the consumers everyday life, and I feel by having many forms of promotion throughout the brand, it will give the customer a familiar feel when shopping or browsing the web.

Written on at 06:18 by Lmcvy

CV Development

 I have used quite a pastel colour palette for the writing, and split it into sections.
 I wanted to use sillohettes to represent my character and interests.
 I have also used effects on the CV to show my computer skills, and also different papers to show the scrapbooky layout, I think this makes different sections stand out.
For the second half of the CV, I wanted to show a few examples of previous work to make the CV more visual. I have used the same pastel colouring throughout/
Written on Thursday 26 April 2012 at 05:58 by Lmcvy

Potential Backgrounds

I have chosen to go with a kind of sketchbook look for my CV and Portfolio theme. Initially I was going to have a quite neat layout, however I feel a more textural theme will be more interesting to look at and represent the work I am presenting well.
These are some backgrounds I have looked at as I am going for a cut and stick approach.

Written on at 05:49 by Lmcvy

Layout Ideas

Out of the research I have found I have chosen my favourite which have given me an idea of how I want to create my cv.

These are my three favourite

I really like the neat lines and direction of the writing on this CV.  

I also really like the scrapbook type CV, I like how they have combined interactive links for their work.
Written on Wednesday 25 April 2012 at 05:42 by Lmcvy

Creative cv research

To start the project, I have researched into a few creative CV layouts for inspiration.
Written on at 05:37 by Lmcvy